GYM DAYS…What should my child wear?
On gym days, children are expected to come to school wearing their gym uniform. Sweat pants are worn Nov 1st- March 31st or shorts are worn in Sept-Oct 31 and April 1-June, t-shirt can be worn all year, sweatshirts are worn Nov 1st-March 31st, white socks that cover your ankle, and sneakers. The gym uniforms can be purchased at Flynn and O’Hara.
LUNCH…Is there a school lunch program and what is the procedure for ordering lunch?
SMRS offers a school lunch program through Duke Catering. Please see Lunch Program tab.
LATCH KEY…Is there an after school program?
A latch key program is provided between the hours of 2:35 PM and 6:00 PM. Students must obey school rules during this time. Fee is determined each year. Any Pre K 3 and Pre K 4 students that attend 3 or more full days will receive aftercare at NO CHARGE.
EARLY RELEASE OF STUDENT… What is the procedure for the release of students for a doctor appointment, etc? Where is the designated area for parking/pick-up during school hours?
The student must bring a note to make the teacher aware of the early dismissal. The parent must come into the office and sign the child out before the child will be released.
PICK-UP/DROP-OFF OF STUDENTS…What are the procedures/guidelines, for car riders in the parking lot area?
Morning – Parents are asked to pull along the curb of the visitors parking lot for drop off. You are not permitted to park and get out of your car while along the curb.
If you would like to walk your child up to the door, you must park in the visitor parking lot. All students Pre K 4 through 8th grade enter through the gym doors.
Afternoon – Everyone is to park in the visitors parking lot and stay in your car until your child’s name is called.
CELL PHONES…Are cell phones permitted? If so, what are the guidelines?
In cases of emergency, students may use the office phone with the permission of the teacher. Cell phones may not be used in school or on school grounds during the school day. If your child must carry a cell phone, it should be turned off and remain in your child’s book bag or locker. If a student is found playing with their phone, it will be sent to the office where the parent may pick it up.