Spiritual Program
St. Michael the Archangel Regional School reinforces a religious education that begins at home. In addition to academic excellence, a key priority is to foster Christian values in our students. Our Christ-Centered curriculum and our Catholic Religious Education Program helps students deepen their relationship with God through daily prayer, religion classes, special Liturgies, and occasions of Penance. We welcome students of all faiths, and we encourage the practice of the following Christian virtues:
– Honesty
– Sincerity
– Humility
– Acceptance
– Integrity
– Courtesy
– Respect
– Thoughtfulness
The Sacraments
The Sacraments of Holy Eucharist, Reconciliation, and Confirmation are celebrated in students’ home parishes. Reconciliation and First Holy Eucharist take place in second grade. Confirmation preparation begins in Grade Seventh.
School Liturgies take place monthly and on special occasions such as Ash Wednesday and other Holy Days. Advent and Lenten Penance Services are held for Grades Third through Eighth. Special assemblies and worship experiences are provided as well.